Our free and high-tech Telegram buy bot will keep your community fired up with configurable reporting, faster speed than any other bot PLUS new buy competition functionality allows you to offer rewards to whoever buys the most of your tokens within a set time!

  1. You must be administrator in the Telegram group
  2. Invite the @SolanaTrending_BuyBot bot into the group
  3. Run the command: /install *Token Address Here*
  4. The buy bot will be installed with default settings
  5. Run the command /settings to review settings

/setmin - minimum size buy to report (sol)
/setemoji 🚀 - replace the 🚀 with any emoji
/setreport buy - specify "buy" "sell" or "all"
/setbuyimage - attach image to display on buys
/setsellimage - attach image to display on sells
/settings - show current buybot settings
/uninstall - uninstall current bot setup

/newcomp - setup new comp
/comp - current comp info
/blockwallet - block a wallet from all comps
/unblockwallet - unblock the wallet
/blocked - see all blocked wallets
/cancelcomp - cancel active comp

When you create a new comp, a series of prompts from the bot will direct you through the comp configuration you want.

Need help, or interested in promotions within the bot? Contact the dev on Telegram (@SolanaTrendingDev) or join the SolanaTrending Telegram!